Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Planning and Economic Development Policy Advisory Group, Wednesday, 8th January, 2020 6.45 pm (Item 149.)


The PAG received a report on the creation of a Joint Spatial Planning Framework which would guide the process of securing the wider gains from the proposed expansion of Heathrow, which did not already form part of the Development Consent Order (DCO), including economic gains and other transport improvements within the region. A Statement of Common Ground on the JSPF was due to be developed with Member authorities for submission to the Examination of the Heathrow DCO. HSPG considered that the JSPF and Statement of Common Ground were important tools for shaping the wider impact of the Heathrow development given that so much land to be impacted was outside the DCO boundary. The Framework would bring Heathrow Airport Limited mitigation and funding outside the current ‘redline’ (the development boundary) of the DCO which was tightly drawn to the Heathrow expansion site. The Framework would be a ‘non-statutory’ guide to future planning to secure gains from collaborative working and was intended to influence the Planning Inspectorate decision on the submitted DCO.


The Senior Infrastructure Consultant commented that South Bucks District Council was just a consultee and had no controls over the development but the Framework would define a wider area that was affected by the proposals and enable joint working between the Councils, Local Enterprise Partnerships and Government to implement the agreed strategy and introduce a mechanism to secure funding that could be spread over the geography of the Framework for infrastructure investment. This was the largest DCO in the UK to date and would have consequences for the District in terms of land use, transport and quality of life. The Framework was currently a draft document and a decision would need to be taken on the final document by the new Buckinghamshire Council.


Concerns had been previously raised in response to the Surface Access Strategy which did not provide sufficient detail on how they would achieve 50% shift from cars to public transport as at the moment only two/three new bus links had been proposed and very few electric charge points. In addition, no information had been given on freight. During discussion Members made reference to the motorway network and that currently if there was a serious accident on M25 this would have a serious impact on M4, M40, M3 and M1 which would increase dramatically with the increase in passengers (80-140 million) from the Heathrow expansion.


Members had also expressed concern about the impact of the closure of Mansion Lane which had been referred to in a different DCO. There were connecting issues in different DCO’s which needed to be addressed through one Framework. The Senior Infrastructure Consultant reported that it was helpful that the Western Rail Link would be undertaken first as the DCO would now have to take that Scheme into account. The Portfolio Holder commented that not only were there concerns about Mansion Lane but the impact of expansion on the whole area including Denham and the north/south connectivity. There needed to be more thought about the transport network and direct public transport links to Heathrow without travelling into London. Another Member also referred to public transport links to Pinewood Studios. She also commented that a number of Heathrow workers travelled to work on a moped/motorcycle and that they parked their bike under the concrete ramp in the terminal rather than using allocated parking.


Members discussed the map showing zones of influence around Heathrow Airport on page 27 of the supplementary agenda and expressed concern that this map excluded South Bucks District although they noted that map needed to be refined. The Senior Infrastructure  Consultant reported that he had raised this and in response had been told that the interaction map related to hotel occupancy adjacent to the airport. A Member commented that this was the wrong basis on which to draw the map and the Senior Infrastructure Consultant acknowledged that this map would need to be refined to take into account other areas such as residents, businesses and environmental factors.


Members agreed that the following comments should be put forward to Cabinet:-


·         The map relating to the zones of influence around Heathrow Airport was not big enough and needed to be expanded to include areas such as Taplow, Iver, Beaconsfield, Gerrards Cross and Windsor.

·         Air quality and environmental impacts needed to be incorporated into the Framework.

·         Number of bus hubs needed to be increased to deal with the increase in passengers with regular bus services.

·         There needed to be detailed consideration about north/south connectivity to ensure that passengers could use public transport which also needed to include Old Oak Common and the Elizabeth Line.

·         HAL needed to look at a bigger vision for example, Bosch had its headquarters in Denham and it was important to establish good economic and transport links and to be innovative.


The PAG was asked to advise the Portfolio Holder and the Head of Planning and Economic Development on the following recommendation:




1.     That Cabinet comment on the detailed report and appended annex, which set out the purpose and content of the proposed Joint Spatial Planning Framework for securing long term opportunities from the Heathrow expansion.


2.     That the PAG comments are considered by Cabinet for incorporation into the final response to the working draft JSPF and Statement of Common Ground submitted by the Director of Services/Acting Chief Executive on behalf of the Council in consultation with the Leader.


3.     That the Council should recommend that the new Buckinghamshire Unitary Council, once established, endorses the final version of the JSPF and plays an active role in its implementation as an HSPG Member Council to secure the economic opportunities for Buckinghamshire.


Supporting documents: